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Building bridges between business & IT

Step by step to success

Reduce costs, optimize processes, increase customer and employee satisfaction and implement successful IT projects. Our strength lies in the experience gained from natural sciences and software development, and in the ability to quickly familiarize ourselves with complex topics. This makes us your bridge builder between business and IT.

Successfully conducted projects at and with

* direct employer

* direct employer


Common problems

How can I translate my problem into a software solution? 

Unclear IT solution prevents a successful project 

How can I overcome the boundary between business & IT?

A core problem from which many others arise are communication problems between business & IT

How do I lead a promising IT project to success?

IT project is simply not running as desired

How can I unleash the full potential of my employees and systems? 

Time-consuming processes and cumbersome systems slow down success.

How do I ensure that valuable money is not being burned with my IT and development?

IT is turning from a money-burning machine into a money-saving machine

How can we help you?

Wir orientieren uns dabei am Gradientenverfahren aus der numerischen Mathematik: Wir erarbeiten Schritt für Schritt deine optimale Lösung.

Optimierung von Prozessen
Steigerung der Kunden- und Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit
Umsetzung erfolgreicher IT-Projekte
Bindeglied zwischen Business und IT
Effektive Unterstützung in IT-Projekten
Erfahrung als Developer und Techniker
Verständnis für technische Herausforderungen in IT-Projekten
Kompetenz in Naturwissenschaften für schnelles Erfassen komplexer Prozesse
Ausgezeichnete Kommunikationsfähigkeiten als Dolmetscher zwischen Business und IT

We listen.

God gave us two ears and only one mouth.
We attach great importance to understanding your individual needs and requirements. We talk with both worlds - business & IT. Through active listening, we overcome boundaries and lay the foundation for successful results.

We consult.

We offer tailored recommendations, innovative strategies and proven methods to make your project a success. With in-depth expertise and technical know-how, we help you make long-term decisions and develop the best possible solutions for your requirements.

We implement.

Big words nothing behind?
We understand that words and beautiful presentations alone are not enough - it's the actual implementation that counts.
We are proud to actively participate in projects and take responsibility for their realization and success.

You want to find out more about our team?

We pull together as a team. Shared values, innovative methods and enjoyment of work are important to us.

You don't have an IT strategy yet?

Digitization and automation are increasingly influencing the IT in companies. Therefore, it must be included in the long-term corporate strategy. We support you not only in the implementation of projects, but also in the conception of a sustainable IT strategy, the planning of your IT infrastructure and the selection of suitable software solutions.

Feedback & Reviews

"Sascha impressed in his role as Business Analyst in a complex integration project within an EU program with an impressively fast comprehension and a high degree of proactivity/ownership in an extremely complex project environment. Chapeau and I look forward to working with him again on a future project!"

Christoph Bäck​, Federal Ministry of the Interior

„Sascha’s advice was crucial in refining my start-up pitch. He provided insightful feedback and helped me communicate my ideas more effectively. I highly recommend him as a startup mentor.“

Omidreza Amrollahinasab

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